I finished my Purple Smooshy socks on Wednesday night. It's my 2nd cuff-down sock, and I have to say, I am probably going to stick with toe-up socks onward. I *hate* the kitchener's stitch and I can never tell where I am in the foot rounds. Two toe-up socks at the same time is *easier* LOL.
The cuff is very cute as they are just ribbed rings and looked like a scrunched sock. And the Dreams in Color Smooshy yarn is just lovely; it's a kettle-dyed purple.

So, now I am sockless in terms of train projects, so I started bringing my hemlock ring blanket (still small) with me on the train. It makes for mindless knitting once I get past the increase lace repeats. I'm on the 5th set of increase repeats on the chart, so I'm not even *close* to finishing (there are a total of 11 increase rounds). I really need to get farther along on this project, since I started it nearly a month ago (7/13). But I realized that this project is very warm (the start of a blanket made out of wool) as it sat on my lap on the train ride home.
Luckily, I have a project that should be relatively light and let me use the the superwash BFL I finished spinning last week. It's a small neck shawl...basically something larger than a neckerchief but not so long as a scarf.
Now that the yarn has been twist set & dry, it's fluffed up nicely (after good thwackings). I checked the gauge of yarn, and it's a worseted weight. There's not much (about 100+ yards) hence the small project. The colors spun up *gorgeously* of different jewel-tones.

I put away the tussah silk I was practicing with on the drop spindle, because, it's driving me nuts with its spidery-web consistency (as in strands of it get *everywhere*). I can see why it's blended with other things. It spins up very very fine and very very very soft. And it's driving me *crazy* I am going to try and tackle it at a later date when I'm actually *better* at this sort of stuff. Either that or a different spindle.
So, instead, I started spinning up the Coopsworth that I bought from Spunky Eclectic, and this stuff is *awesome* and spins really really well. I bought two types, 2 oz each -- a white & a natural color.
My plans for this batch: spin up the rest, dye both skeins variations of red (one a little more "black" than red), then ply the two together. I suspect that the natural wool will take the red color a little better and be a little darker than the white. If this knits up well and I can wear it without wool issues, I'm going to have to get more.
Of course, I have no idea what I want to knit it *into*, but that's another topic.
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