So later that night, before bed, I took a quick glance at different crochet edgings online. First, I tried a picot edge, but that didn't look right, so I frogged the several I had made as a trial. Then I settled on a scalloped edge instead, which looked much much nicer.
I had just enough yarn left over to scallop both ends, and still have a good foot of yarn left over. (Yaay for winging yardages!)
On Friday, I wore it (prior to washing or blocking) because I very much wanted to do so. Friday night, I washed it & blocked it, which made it about 6" longer on either side than I anticipated. Now, it's *very* long.
And, I'm debating whether I want to line the wrong side. I should have enough of the gold lining fabric from the Mandarain Collared Robe to do so, but am not sure if the color will work.

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