Overall, we had a lot of fun. There was some good stuff AND bad stuff. Most of the bad stuff primarily had to do with issues that you could say was due to it being a first-time con. Issues such as:
- Crowd management --- the lines for a lot of things such as getting tickets and badges (for both the paying and pre-registered crowd) were insanely long.
- Lack of signage directing people to the correct areas. And some volunteers often didn't know what was happening.
- Inefficient methods of dealing with badges --- We had to stand in line to get our pre-registered badges, which then arrived IN THE MAIL on SATURDAY EVENING. Also, as an attendee, you had to "badge" in and out of the actual ComicCon area. This made for some confused attendees and bad crowd management trying to get in and out of the specific ComicCon area.
- Lack of food options in the convention hall -- There were only 2-3 food vendors for the insane Saturday crowds, which resulted in 20-60 minute waits for food. However, on Sunday, they learned their lessons and opened the concession stands inside the center.
- Insufficient number of panels to attend -- For the sheer number of people that attended, there weren't enough panels. And of the panels that did exist, the lines to get into them were long or confusing -- as lines for tickets and some of the panels were in the same area. However, the panels were quite interesting and they tried to meld technology and comic books with some success.
Part of this can be attributed to it being a first time convention and some can be attributed to merely poor planning on their part. But, I'm willing to cut them slack and to see how they address issues for next year.
On the flip side, we had a lot of fun. They had various groups from the 501st legion, Rebel Legion, a Star Wars memorabilia museum, and Madame Toussads wax museum! A few technology companies, such as Occulus and other VR firms were there. And the line to see them was long.
However, by Sunday afternoon, we'd pretty much seen everything we wanted to see...twice over. So, we hoofed it home to relax for the rest of the afternoon. Given all the number of limited available panels, etc., it probably worth it for most people to only come one day. For a budget conscious comic book fan, one day would have been more than enough.
Here's a few photos of the things we did see:
We popped into a few of the panels, which included Steve Wozniak and Stan Lee. These were hilariously fun. Unfortunately, we missed a few other panels due to the aforementioned long lines. However, just like San Diego Comic Con, they had big screens for the one large room so you could see what was going on stage.
There was some large movie poster/props that were on display in several areas. (This bird is bigger than me, and its wingspan is at least 6 feet long)
More than a few prop groups were there. Some were for show, and some for sale. The Star Wars museum had an interesting collection of memorabilia.
Insofar as cosplayers, there were a LOT of costumes from a variety of science fiction and fantasy genres. It was a lot of fun to see many of them.
Surprisingly (or not), there was a lots and lots of Star Wars costuming, especially with members of the local 501st garrison there.
Of course yours truly was also in my Star Wars costume. I ran into a lot of femme Han Solos over the course of Saturday, but alas, only one male Slave Leia and only one Wookie, not counting Peter Mayhew, who was one of the guests of the convention (and one that I had wanted to meet!)

There was also a costume contest consisting of 100+ cosplayers (which was a bit much). Some of the costumes were good, some were okay, but everyone had fun.
Sufficed to say, we enjoyed ourselves, despite the issues that occurred. Next year, we'll be a bit more prepared to deal with the crowds, lack of available food issues, and whatnought. I really hope they solve this year's problems and really up their game for next year.
Because, it would be awesome to have an annual comicbook convention in Silicon Valley again!
Sufficed to say, we enjoyed ourselves, despite the issues that occurred. Next year, we'll be a bit more prepared to deal with the crowds, lack of available food issues, and whatnought. I really hope they solve this year's problems and really up their game for next year.
Because, it would be awesome to have an annual comicbook convention in Silicon Valley again!
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